Climate-sensitive forecasts of marked short-term and long-term changes in the distributions or abundances of Northwestern boreal landbirds
Climate change presents a major threat to biodiversity globally. Northern ecosystems, such as Canada’s boreal forest, are …
Ana Raymundo, Tati Micheletti, Samuel Haché, Diana Stralberg, Francis E C Stewart, Junior A Tremblay, Ceres Barros, Ian M S Eddy, Alex M Chubaty, Mathieu Leblond, C Lisa Mahon, Steven L Van Wilgenburg, Erin M Bayne, Fiona Schmiegelow, Teegan D S Docherty, Eliot J B McIntire, Steven G Cumming
Will this umbrella leak? A caribou umbrella index for boreal landbird conservation
Conservation approaches that efficiently protect multiple values, such as the umbrella species concept, have been widely promoted with …
Tati Micheletti, Samuel Haché, Frances E C Stewart, Alex M Chubaty, Ceres Barros, Erin M Bayne, Steven G Cumming, Teegan D S Docherty, Amanda Dookie, Isabelle Duclos, Ian M S Eddy, Zuzu Gadallah, Claudia A Haas, James Hodson, Mathieu Leblond, C Lisa Mahon, Fiona Schmiegelow, Junior A Tremblay, Steven L Van Wilgenburg, Alana R Westwood, Eliot J B McIntire
Climate-informed forecasts reveal dramatic local habitat shifts and population uncertainty for northern boreal caribou
Most research on boreal populations of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) has been conducted in areas of high anthropogenic …
Frances E C Stewart, Tati Micheletti, Steven G Cumming, Ceres Barros, Alex M Chubaty, Amanda Dookie, Isabelle Duclos, Ian M S Eddy, Samuel Haché, James Hodson, Josie Hughes, Cheryl Johnson, Mathieu Leblond, Fiona Schmiegelow, Junior A Tremblay, Eliot J B McIntire
Empowering ecological modellers with a PERFICT workflow: Seamlessly linking data, parameterisation, prediction, validation and visualisation
- Modelling is widely used in ecology and its utility continues to increase as scientists, managers and policy-makers face pressure to …
Ceres Barros, Yong Luo, Alex M Chubaty, Ian M S Eddy, Tatiane Micheletti, Céline Boisvenue, David W Andison, Steven G Cumming, Eliot J B McIntire
Managing forest carbon and landscape capacities
Widespread impacts of a warming planet are fuelling climate change mitigation efforts world-wide. Decision makers are turning to …
Céline Boisvenue, Gregory Paradis, Ian M S Eddy, Eliot J B McIntire, Alex M Chubaty
Predictive Ecology: a re-imagined foundation and the tools for ecological models
Making predictions from ecological models—and comparing them to data—offers a coherent approach to evaluate model quality, regardless …
Eliot J B McIntire, Alex M Chubaty, Steven G Cumming, David W Andison, Ceres Barros, Céline Boisvenue, Samuel Haché, Yong Luo, Tati Micheletti, Francis E C Stewart
Assessing the pathways of climate change effects in SpaDES: an application with boreal landbirds in Northwestern Canada
Distributions of landbirds in Canadian northern forests are expected to be affected by climate change, but it remains unclear which …
Tati Micheletti, Francis E C Stewart, Steven G Cumming, Samuel Haché, Diana Stralberg, Junior A Tremblay, Ceres Barros, Ian M S Eddy, Alex M Chubaty, Mathieu Leblond, Rhiannon F Pankratz, C Lisa Mahon, Steven L Van Wilgenburg, Erin M Bayne, Fiona Schmiegelow, Eliot J B McIntire